Alfa-Enzo : An Innovative Social Marketplace

Today, while I'm reading the bitcointalk forum i got a telegram message that offering me to join a project that named Alfa-Enzo. I've visited the website and whitepaper, i think this project can be a promising project as they offered an innovative solution with the combination of social network and blockchain. The team was lead by Tony Tran and i will describe this project in this article.

The lost of trust in the banks was   one   of   the   prime   motivations   in   the   birth   of   Bitcoin,   a cryptocurrency  developed  by  a  person  or  a  group  of  people named  Satoshi  Nakamoto. Bitcoin   is   just   one   application   of  the   new  technology   (blockchain). The advent of cryptocurrencies has led  to a worldwide boom where new innovations are being brought onboard, structured through pioneering crypto Tokens, to disrupt existing traditional industries. Even with all these advantages, cryptocurrencies are still not widely accepted in every sphere of the economy. A way to win over mass market appeal of cryptocurrency is still missing. A major way to enhance the market appeal is to improve consumer experience. Fortunately for us all Alfa-Enzo has surfaced to make this a reality.

The EON (Enzo Open Network) blockchain launches in 2018 and it is intended to provide a new generation of distributed applications and decentralized platforms. It is a new cryptocurrency ecosystem that is designed for easy use. This project was embarked upon mainly because no cryptocurrency has been found effective for daily use.

Alfa-Enzo makes cryptocurrency easier
These points are the solutions that offered by this project to makes cryptocurrency easier:
  • Each user should be able to sell, buy, store funds, quietly use decentralized applications, but there is no platform that would implement it. (Creating revolutionary platform). 
  • Fast and secure data transfer. Data processing speed. Any user wants to have quick access to the content. 
  • Dissemination of information about cryptocurrencies should acquire a viral character. With the help of social networks and other information mechanisms, people need to be explained that we have entered a new digital age and the blockchain system is an integral part of it
I think that's all for the introduction of Alfa Enzo, the detail of it would be describe in the next article. 

You also can follow below links for official information related this project:

Posted by:
Bitcoin Talk username : maniak kemsut
Profile Link :;u=2132482
Wallet : 0xD1182fe4B8ae5E4D7801f6B851374E3F3A2d6A04

Thank you & love to see you back!



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