Stealthcrypto - Secure Your Asset with Innovative Ecosystem of Quantum Security

At this moment, i would like to talk about a platform that has awareness in Cybersecurity of digital world. Cybersecurity is one of the most burning issues of today's digital world. We are always connected, and any unsafe activity to break the network will allow bad actors to dominate. The latest field is the cryptocurrency which has become the latest tool for developing a transparent transaction between two participants. Providing security to the participants is one of the primary tasks of the networks. Do you think we can develop a secure network which protects our data and connection?


Stealth Crypto is a platform created to provide a safe place to store all data and cryptocurrency transactions quickly.

STEALTH CRYPTO is developing a decentralized platform for communication networks based on the blockchain technology. They are creating solutions for a variety of industries, such as IoT, blockchain and artificial intelligence and cryptography. Users on the platform can easily share the resources with the other people and earn rewards for their contribution. Quantum mesh network on the platform is utilized to build solutions in the communications and IoT. Crypto community on the platform will be the driving force in the adoption of the multiple products offered by the team. Digital wallet and secure payment are also offered on the platform for the users. 

StealthCrypto has the experience and the expertise to protect your data using next-generation decentralized blockchain security technology to help defend against emerging challenges in an evolving threat landscape. Our high-performance network encryption for long-term data protection Quantum key generation and quantum key distribution. StealthCrypto® makes cloud storage, IoT , and communications secure, and faster with StealthCrypto’s patented StealthCrypto®.


The StealthCrypto Cloud NAS System is fully decentralized, with files distributed and stored all over the world, on different containers. This allows the network to be robust to attacks, with no central point of weakness. StealthCrypto Cloud™ NAS with an embedded wifi router container that connects to peer-to-peer cloud storage, telecommunications, communications, IOT connections, mining, and powered by StealthCrypto incentive based Ecosystem. The system will Delivered Quantum Entropy engine, quantum key generation, key distribution and authentication.

The StealthCrypto Token is essential to the function of the StealthCrypto Ecosystem. StealthCrypto is a functional Token that will be used on the platform to access various features, products and fees. Furthermore, as StealthCrypto services and products become more liquid and valuable over time, we anticipate it could be used to rebalance individual portfolios. In other words, liquidity generated by StealthCrypto can enable users to shift allocations between various currencies quickly and easily.

  • Total token supply: 400,000,000 
  • 200,000,000 tokens for Stage 1 Token Crowdsale 
  • Pre Tokens Sale to start on January 28, 2018.
  • The initial token price (ICO) will be set at a minimum of S0 .50, or present market value above S0 .50, when ICO launches July 05, 2018.
  • 200,000,000 tokens will be reserved for Stage 2 Token Crowdsale (50% of total).
Stage 2 will happen no sooner than 2020, and all tokens will be sold at market price, not at a fixed $0 .50 USO value (important note: all percentage below will be adjusted in accordance with actual amount raised, e.g. if we sell 70M of 1 00M tokens, the following numbers will be multiplied by 0.007)


The StealthCrypto Fund operates as part of our business model, ensuring a stable token with a bright future. It is in our best interests to ensure that the STEALTHCRYPTO™ purchasing power grows over time and market manipulation is avoided. A total of 400 million tokens will be issued. This is how it breaks down in dollars during planning - the actual price is subject to change: 


I think that's all the resume for this platform, if you interesting or need further information please follow below links:

Posted by:
Bitcoin Talk username : maniak kemsut
Profile Link :;u=2132482
Wallet : 0xD1182fe4B8ae5E4D7801f6B851374E3F3A2d6A04

Thank you & love to see you back!



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